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Updated date Jun 13, 2024
This article explains why cybersecurity is important in software development, especially with the increase in cyberattacks.


As we already know, cybersecurity has evolved into a major concern for businesses of different sizes. Safeguarding the process of software development against potential cyber-attacks plays a pivotal role, as businesses rely mainly on it to offer services, optimize operations, and allow communication. While cyberattacks are becoming more prevalent, firms should incorporate robust security measures into the software development life cycle.

Reportedly, there is a rapid surge in cybercrime while the entire world is getting digitally interconnected and relying on technologies. The year 2023 witnessed a rise in cyberattacks that resulted in more than 343 million victims. Data breaches rose to around 72% between the years 2021 and 2023.

In our post today, we are going to check out the different aspects of cybersecurity across the software development life cycle while following the best practices in the implementation of third party vendor risk assessment. This helps to prevent data breaches, safeguard sensitive information, and maintain trust among customers.

Importance of Security in Software Development

The foundation of modern business operations is formed through software applications that allow everything from client communications to financial transactions. The hackers will also find these software applications as an alluring target to take advantage of the weaknesses to steal money and data and affect the services. Security breaches will also result in some serious business ramifications, like damage to the brand, legal consequences, and financial losses. 

The global end user spending on risk management is estimated to reach $215 billion in 2024 as per a report from Gartner. Businesses often minimize the risk of data breaches by strengthening their defenses against new threats and effectively building a reputation for reliability and dependability among consumers and stakeholders by offering security the main priority in the software development lifecycle.

Best Practices for Secure Software Development

Let us now check out the best practices businesses can implement while incorporating cybersecurity into the software development life cycle.

Consider Security as your Top-Priority

Security should always be considered throughout the development process. Emphasizing security should initiate the planning phase and continue through the maintenance and deployment cycle. It entails ensuring that every team member is aware of the essence of security in their responsibilities while integrating the best practices of third party risk management into the various levels of software development life cycle.

Use Up-to-date and Popular Libraries and Frameworks

Using the latest frameworks and libraries will help reduce the scope for risks that arise out of outdated software elements. Several well-known frameworks and libraries have dynamic development communities that frequently offer updates to fix every security flaw. The developers would minimize the potential security concerns in their applications by keeping updated with the necessary upgrades.

Remain Agile and Proactive

Throughout the lifecycle of software development, agile technologies foster better flexibility and responsiveness, allowing the teams to adjust to shifting security needs and the latest threats instantly. Proactive security measures are actively sought after and fixed right before an attacker derives the benefits from them. It would entail carrying out routine reviews of codes, security assessments, and penetration tests.

Use Static Code Analysis Tools

Static code analysis tools can automatically search the source code for security issues like injection risks, buffer overflows, and XSS or cross-site scripting risks. Using such technologies in the core development process helps developers find security errors earlier and fix them before the code is released.

Protect Code Integrity

Code integrity guarantees that software code remains unchanged and uncorrupted throughout its lifetime. Version control systems, code signing, cryptographic hashing, and other tactics help prevent unauthorized changes to the sources. By confirming the code's integrity, developers can prevent unwanted access and tampering with sensitive data.

ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 270001 is the most widely accepted standard of information security management systems. Getting this accreditation indicates the company's dedication to imposing strong security processes and controls. Companies create a framework to control security risks and protect sensitive data by following the guidelines provided.

Identify Potential Security Threats

Threat modeling is a proactive way to locate possible security errors and dangers within software systems. Developers completely examine the system architecture, possible attack routes, and data flows, which helps them find and rank security concerns. It allows firms to implement the appropriate countermeasures to minimize such risks successfully.


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) renders the best practices, tools, and information to boost the online application security model. For instance the OWASP top 10 lists the highly essential security threats that the online application should stay contended with and offers advice on reducing them. The SAMM or Software Assurance Maturity Model was developed through OWASP, offering a well-structured approach for assessing and boosting the software security processes of the company.

Secure Coding Guidelines and Standards

Establishing the guidelines and standards for secured coding will make things easier to ensure that the developers are writing the secure codes on the basis of the best practices. The recommendations for data encryption, authentication, authorization, and input validation are included in the standards. The developers will reduce the scope for adding security flaws to the code by following the distinctive coding standards.

Continuous Monitoring

Real-time active monitoring of the apps and the systems for the security errors and the threats that are considered as continuous monitoring. It would entail seeking indications of questionable activities across the system logs, network traffic, and application performance indicators. The companies would reduce the impact of the breaches by detecting and responding to security issues with constant monitoring of the development space.


In order to safeguard the application from possible dangers, it is important to know the role played by cybersecurity across the software development life cycle. Companies can protect their software against possible risks with the implementation of the best practices throughout the lifecycle of software development, right from focusing on security considerations from the start to the end to using the recent libraries and frameworks. Following the security coding rules, using static code analysis tools, and adapting to agile processes guarantees the proactive steps in order to mitigate the risks.


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