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Updated date Nov 23, 2024
This article will discuss how to create an AWS S3 bucket, upload, download, and delete a file using the AWS console.
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This article will teach us how to create an Amazon S3 bucket, upload, download, and delete a file using the AWS console.

What is Amazon S3 Bucket?

Amazon S3 bucket is a public simple cloud object storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Amazon S3 provides industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. 

Create an Amazon S3 Bucket:

  • Open Amazon Console, Sign in if you have an account, or create a new one.
  • Search for "S3" and click & open "Amazon S3".

Below the screen, Click "Create Bucket".

Enter "Bucket name" name and select "AWS region" and Click "Create".

We have successfully created the bucket in AWS S3 as shown below,

Upload a File to Amazon S3 Bucket:

Open a created bucket (s3-bucket-console-1) as shown below,

Click the "Upload" button and it will navigate to the below screen,

Click the "Add Files" button and Select the file using the below dialog,

Once you click "Open" in the above dialog, the selected file will be added under the "Files and folders" section to upload.

Click the "Upload" button, and the file will be uploaded successfully and you can see the below screen,

You can see the file uploaded in the bucket as shown below,

Download a File from Amazon S3 Bucket

Open a file from the S3 bucket and you can see the file properties, permissions, and versions along with the other options. You can click the "Download" button to download the file.

The file will be downloaded and you can see them at the bottom of the browser as shown below if you use chrome and as well as in the download folder if you use windows machines.

Delete a File from the Amazon S3 bucket:

Select a file and click the "Delete" button to delete the file as shown below,

You have to provide confirmation before you delete the file. 

The below success message will be displayed once the file is deleted successfully from the Amazon S3 bucket.

In this article, we have successfully performed the below operation using the AWS console,

  • Created an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Uploaded a file to the Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Downloaded a file from the Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Deleted a file from the Amazon S3 bucket.


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