Mohanapriya R Mohanapriya R
Updated date Aug 13, 2024
In this blog, we will learn how to convert strings to GUIDs using C#.

Converting Strings to GUIDs in C#:

We will see how to convert string to GUID using GUID method in C# as shown below,

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Sample string representation of a GUID
        string guidString = "5E7DD097-3733-4D05-8A1D-3C79FA89C8F9";

        // Convert the string to a GUID
        Guid convertedGuid = new Guid(guidString);

        // Display the original string and the converted GUID
        Console.WriteLine($"Original String: {guidString}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Converted GUID: {convertedGuid}");


Original String: 5E7DD097-3733-4D05-8A1D-3C79FA89C8F9
Converted GUID: 5e7dd097-3733-4d05-8a1d-3c79fa89c8f9

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