Mohanapriya R Mohanapriya R
Updated date Aug 22, 2024
In this article, we will learn how to convert strings to Camel Case in C#. Explore a simple C# program, complete with output.
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Camel Case Conversion in C#

Let's start by creating a C# program that takes a regular string and converts it to Camel Case. We will use a simple approach, breaking the string into words, capitalizing the initial letter of each word (except the first), and then concatenating them back together.

using System;

class Program
    static string ConvertToCamelCase(string input)
        string[] words = input.Split(' ');
        for (int i = 1; i < words.Length; i++)
            words[i] = char.ToUpper(words[i][0]) + words[i].Substring(1);
        return string.Join("", words);

    static void Main()
        string inputString = "convert strings to camel case";
        string camelCaseResult = ConvertToCamelCase(inputString);

        Console.WriteLine("Original String: " + inputString);
        Console.WriteLine("Camel Case Output: " + camelCaseResult);


Let's run the program with the example string "convert strings to camel case" and examine the output:

Original String: convert strings to camel case
Camel Case Output: convertStringsToCamelCase

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