Mohanapriya R Mohanapriya R
Updated date Aug 10, 2024
In this article, we will learn how to convert floating-point numbers to strings in C#. Explore methods like ToString() and String.Format().
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How to Convert Floats to Strings in C#?

C# provides various methods for converting floats to strings, and two commonly used ones are ToString() and String.Format().

Using ToString() Method:

The ToString() method is used to convert a float to a string. It allows you to specify the format of the resulting string, giving you control over the number of decimal places and other formatting options.

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        float floatValue = 123.456f;
        string stringValue = floatValue.ToString("F2");

        Console.WriteLine("Float Value: " + floatValue);
        Console.WriteLine("String Value: " + stringValue);


Float Value: 123.456
String Value: 123.46

The ToString("F2") format specifier in the above program is used to limit the floating-point number to two decimal places in the resulting string.

Using String.Format() Method:

The String.Format() method is used to convert floats to strings. It allows you to create a formatted string by specifying placeholders for values. 

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        float floatValue = 987.654f;
        string stringValue = String.Format("Formatted Value: {0:F2}", floatValue);

        Console.WriteLine("Float Value: " + floatValue);


Float Value: 987.654
Formatted Value: 987.65

In the above program, the placeholder {0:F2} is used to format the float value with two decimal places.

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